

Online sessions, for individuals and groups.

Reiki 1 workshop – Oslo, Norway (10-12/10)

Meditation & channeling workshop – Tallinn, Estonia (4-7/9)

Intuition & business retreat – Oslo, Norway (15-18/8)

Mindvalley University, Tribe events – Tallinn, Estonia (1-7/7)

Fit n’Zen Festival – Perpignan, France (12-15/4)


Online sessions, for individuals and groups.

Mindvalley University, Tribe events – Tallinn, Estonia (10-23/7)

No mind Festival – Angsbacka, Sweden (1-8/7)

Tantra Festival – Oslo, Norway (23-25/6)

Tantra retreat – Skotterud, Norway (2-4/6)


Online sessions, for individuals and groups.

Tantra Festival – Oslo, Norway (17-19/6)

Fit n’Zen Festival – Perpignan, France (1-5/4)


Online sessions, for individuals and groups.

Reiki 1 workshop, with meditation & channeling – Mölle, Sverige (11-12/12).

Meditation & channeling workshop – Hamburg, Germany (19/12).

« Yoga & Arts Festival » – Sparreholm, Sweden (July).

« Easy meditation techniques for daily life » workshops.


Online sessions.

Reiki workshops, level 1 & 2 – Oslo, Norway.

« The Power of the Mind » workshop in Oslo, Norway (February).

« Channeling Sessions » for groups – Koh Phangan, Thailand. (February and March)


« Channeling Evenings » – Oslo, Norway.

Reiki Workshops – Oslo, Norway.


« Healing & Soul-reading » – Ibiza, Spain (October).

« Ukraine Healing Tour » – Kiev, Poltava, and Dnipropetrovsk (September and October): group classes and private sessions.

« Avatar Yoga Festival » – Odessa, Ukraine (August): group classes and private sessions.

« Veda Life Festival” – Kiev, Ukraine (July): group classes and individual sessions.

« Reiki workshop », level 1 – Koh Phangan, Thailand (February).

« Meditation Workshops » : regular sessions – Koh Phangan, Thailand (January to March).

« Healing & Soul-reading » : regular sessions – Koh Phangan, Thailand (January to March).


« Reiki Workshop », level 2 – Oslo, Norway (December).

« Reiki Workshops » level 1 and 2 – Koh Phangan, Thailand (October and November).

« Meditation workshops » – Koh Phangan, Thailand (October and November).

« Healing & Soul-reading » : regular sessions – Koh Phangan, Thailand (January to May and October-November).


« Meditation Classes », level 1 and 2 – Oslo, Norway (August and September).

« Healing-groups » : regular sessions – Oslo, Norway (June to December).

« Yoga and Healing » – Koh Phangan, Thailand (February and March).

« Healing-groups » : regular sessions – Koh Phangan, Thailand (January to March).

« Festival of Alternative Therapies » – Oslo, Norway (January and August): meditation-groups and healing-groups.


« Yoga and Healing » – Oslo, Norway (December).

TEDx Talk about meditation – Valenciennes, France (October).

« Festival of Alternative Therapies » – Oslo, Norway (August): meditation and healing groups.

« Healing circle » and « Healing workshop » – Amsterdam, The Netherlands (May).

« Healing circle » and « Healing workshop » – Moscow, Russia (April and May).

« Healing groups » : regularly – Oslo, Norway.

TEDx about meditation, Valenciennes, France, 2015